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Roxanne Parks Hayles
Roxanne Parks-Hayles


Apostle, Pastor, Teacher, Radio &Television Host

Reverend Dr. Chaplain Roxanne Parks-Hayles, known as Pastor Roxie, or the “Little Preacher Woman” is a licensed,  ordained and confirmed Apostle.


    So what does...

 - Over 40 years in ministry

 - 11 years on the mission field

 - 2 years in Portugal

 - 5 years as an Evangelist

 - 5 years as an Associate Minister

 - 3 years as a Pastor

 - 2 churches in Fremont California

 - 9 years in Radio & TV

 - 1 church Portugal existing today

 - 13 international countries

 -  6 foreign languages


Have to do with Apostle Roxie?



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